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South Houston Invisalign For Teens

Invisalign Clear Aligners are an increasingly popular method for correcting any misalignment in your teenager’s teeth. At our South Houston family dentist office, we offer Invisalign in addition to ceramic dental braces and metal Houston braces to our pediatric dental patients. In this blog, we will explain why Invisalign may be a great option for your teenager.

South Houston Invisalign Is A Subtle And More Comfortable Option For Teenagers

Unlike metal or ceramic Houston braces, Invisalign doesn’t require brackets, wires, or rubber brands. In fact, Clear Aligners are much like clear plastic retainers that are made by first completing a 3D scan of your teen’s mouth. Once we complete the scans and study them, we will design custom plastic Invisalign trays that will be made in our dental lab. These plastic trays will put gentle pressure on your teenager’s teeth so that they gradually shift until they are straight.

Because there are no wires involved and, as their name implies, Invisalign Clear Aligners are nearly transparent when placed on the teeth. This is ideal for your child if they tend to feel self-conscious in their smile and would prefer not to draw attention to their teeth

South Houston Invisalign Is Flexible 

If your teenager is very responsible and well-disciplined, they will greatly benefit from the greater flexibility that Invisalign offers. Invisalign is removable, unlike our other Houston braces treatments, so our patients should remove them at mealtimes. Additionally, if worn as directed by our South Houston family dentist, which is for 20-22 hours a day without being misplaced or lost, then your teenager may be able to skip the Invisalign for a special occasion, such as prom.

Are There Any Downsides To Invisalign Clear Aligners?

Invisalign seems like the perfect solution to fix a bad bite, but there are some limitations. For example, if your teenager has a severe malocclusion, Invisalign may not be as effective or as efficient at straightening the teeth compared to metal dental braces. Further, their flexibility will require your teenager to be very mindful of perfectly following our instructions in order to get the most out of Invisalign.

Visit Our South Houston Braces Dentist to See if Invisalign is the Best Treatment for Your Teen

If you think Invisalign might be a good option for your teen, then please book an appointment with our South Houston family dentist. We will determine what treatment method works best for your child's smile.

Ceramic Houston Braces Versus Metal Dental Braces

When any of our South Houston family dentist patients have a malocclusion, which is an improper bite that leads to other health concerns, we will recommend either Invisalign Clear Aligners, metal dental braces, or ceramic dental braces. In this blog post, we will discuss the difference between ceramic dental braces and metal Houston braces, which will give you a good idea of what you can expect with either treatment.

Ceramic Houston Braces

Ceramic dental braces are less common than metal dental braces, but they remain highly effective. When it comes to ceramic braces, they are made up of the following components, which make them blend into the teeth to create a subtler Houston braces treatment:

  • Tooth-colored brackets, or, in some cases, clear brackets. Both of these options are placed on the face of your teeth.
  • The archwire, which is placed over the brackets and ranges in color from silver, white, or frosted.

When Are Ceramic Houston Braces Recommended To Our South Houston Dentist Patients?

Because the ceramic material itself is strong, dental braces work wonders on patients with mild to moderate malocclusions, though how long treatment lasts will also depend on the severity of each individual case.

Metal Houston Braces

Metal dental braces are the most common type of Houston braces treatment we offer. These braces are similar to ceramic braces and contain the following:

  • Metal brackets placed on the front of your teeth
  • Metal, dark gray archwire, which is also placed along the front of the brackets

When Does Our South Houston Family Dentist Recommend Metal Dental Braces?

Metal dental braces are the most common type of Houston braces treatment because they are versatile, meaning they work for virtually all cases–from extremely mild to highly complex. Depending on our patients’ different cases, treatment may also last longer because metal brackets are stronger than ceramic brackets and will, therefore, be a quicker way to straighten your teeth.

Affordable Ceramic And Metal Dental Braces At Our South Houston Family Dentist

Whether you are considering Houston braces for yourself or for your child, Centra Dental in South Houston is the best place to get affordable braces, starting as low as $99 a month. If you would like to determine which method is best for you, then please book an appointment with us so we can begin with your Houston braces evaluation!

Are You More Likely To Get Cavities With Houston Braces?

Are you at increased risk of tooth decay if you undergo Houston braces treatment? This is a common worry that many of our South Houston dentists patients experience when they are determining whether they should undergo dental braces treatment, and rightfully so. If you think about it, your dental braces are on the face of your tooth, so won’t you only brush a portion of each tooth? Although we can see why our patients worry about this, there are things you can do to remain free of cavities while wearing metal or ceramic Houston braces. Here are our South Houston family dentist’s tips for maintaining adequate dental hygiene while wearing Houston braces.

Brush Your Teeth After Every Meal And Snack

Brushing your teeth twice a day is good hygiene and the minimum we recommend. However, because metal braces and ceramic dental braces do tend to cover the teeth, this can make it a bit harder to get your teeth perfectly clean. To mitigate this, we recommend that you brush your teeth after every meal and snack, as this will discourage food particles from sticking around. By brushing with fluoride, non-whitening toothpaste, this will strengthen your enamel and serve as additional protection against tooth decay.

Keep Flossing Your Teeth Before Bed Every Night

For our South Houston braces patients and non-orthodontic patients alike, flossing is critical to maintaining a cavity-free smile. This is especially true for our Houston braces patients because food tends to get stuck between the teeth and the brackets. Flossing may seem hard at first, but our South Houston family dentists will be glad to teach you how to properly floss. In addition, brush picks also help in reducing food particles stuck between your teeth.

Get A Teeth Cleaning At Our South Houston Dentist Office

By visiting us for your teeth cleaning every 6 months, we can give you a deeper clean than you would get at home because no matter how diligent you are with your at-home hygiene routine, it is impossible to keep your teeth pristine without visiting your dentist. Please book an appointment for your next cleaning so we can polish the teeth, check your dental braces progress, and offer more tips on how to care for your teeth.


Correct Overbites With Metal Dental Braces At Our South Houston Dentist

It’s no secret that Houston braces are a great idea if you need to have a malocclusion corrected. A malocclusion is also known as a “bad bite” and the term is used to describe any and all orthodontic problems. In our previous dental braces blog, we discussed a bad bite caused by crowded teeth. This time, we will discuss overbites and how Houston braces can correct them.

What Is An Overbite

An overbite, more commonly called buck teeth in non-dental jargon, occurs when a patient’s upper teeth and jaw protrude further outward than their bottom teeth and jaw do. Some overlap from your upper dental arch over your bottom dental arch is normal and healthy, as this overlap protects your teeth from abnormal wear of the enamel, and protecting the enamel increases your protection against tooth decay. Overbites may be caused by a number of factors, some of which cannot be controlled and others that are simply poor habits. These factors include:

  • Genetics
  • Extensive thumb sucking
  • Excessive use of pacifiers
  • Pushing your lower teeth with your tongue 

What Health Problems Can An Overbite Cause?

Although some jaw overlap is healthy, it is easy for it to become unhealthy. An overbite can cause certain speech impediments, much like other malocclusions. Overbites have also been known to cause chewing difficulties, and many patients with overbites end up biting their tongues or cheeks a lot by accident. Over time, this may cause your teeth to exhibit worn enamel early on. Lastly, an overbite tends to cause damage to the gums and other teeth because of the improper bite pattern, which results in tooth decay and even gum disease in severe cases.

Affordable Houston Braces at Centra Dental Your Go-To South Houston Dentist

Straight teeth are not merely cosmetic; they are crucial for your overall dental health. If you suspect you or your child has an overbite or “buck teeth”, then please book an appointment with our South Houston dentist so we can schedule a Houston braces consultation. At this consultation, our South Houston dentist will evaluate the bite and develop an affordable Houston braces treatment plan. We look forward to embracing your smile!

Crowded Teeth? Your Child Might Need Houston Braces

Dental braces, though dreaded by some, are the best way to correct issues relating to the way your teeth are aligned. At Centra Dental in South Houston, we offer multiple Houston braces options and treatment plans, each designed to correct the alignment of the teeth. Why, though, may dental braces be needed besides improving your smile? Take crowded teeth, for example. If your child’s teeth exhibit crowding, they may very likely need dental braces. Here’s why.

Crowded Teeth In Children

Teeth crowding occurs when your child’s teeth are crooked and tend to overlap one another. This can occur on the upper row of teeth, the bottom row of teeth, or both arches at the same time. What makes teeth crowd? Sometimes, excessive thumb sucking or chewing toys and other items excessively may lead to crowding. Other times, some of our South Houston family dentist’s patients simply have extra teeth, which don't fit in the mouth properly. This is a major cause of crowding, as it disrupts the natural way in which the teeth are supposed to emerge along the dental arch.

What Problems Can Teeth Crowding Cause?

One of the worst dental health problems caused by crowded teeth is excessive plaque build-up. Although some patients who don't have extra teeth can still experience heavy plaque build-up, children who do have extra teeth are especially prone to this because it's too difficult to adequately brush and floss the teeth. Excessive plaque build-up leads to cavities and even gum disease if left untreated. Severe crowding could also cause speed problems, difficulty at school, and difficulty in your child’s social confidence.

Affordable Houston Braces at Centra Dental in South Houston

Teeth crowding is one of the most common issues that require Houston braces. Not only do our affordable dental braces bring out the best in your child’s smile, but they also help your child achieve optimal dental health and a confident smile. If your child has reached the age at which you may consider Houston braces treatment, please book an appointment with us so we can begin with a consultation and design a custom treatment plan. We look forward to embracing your child’s smile!

Is It Too Late For Adults To Wear Houston Braces?

As a South Houston family dentist that specializes in Houston braces, many of our pediatric patients’ parents ask us if it’s too late for them to wear dental braces. The truth is that it’s never too late. In fact, we highly encourage adults to wear dental braces if they have crooked teeth and/or a malocclusion, otherwise known as a “bad bite”.

Adults May Have A Bad Bite Since Childhood

There are different kinds of malocclusions, including overbites and underbites. If you had a malocclusion as a child, then chances are you still have a similar problem today. If you don’t fix your bad bite, this will cause a multitude of dental health issues, such as:

  • Headaches
  • Tooth decay
  • Gum disease
  • Speech impairment
  • Difficulty chewing
  • Difficulty digesting

Getting Braces Young Is Better Than Waiting, But Adult Treatment Is Still Just As Effective

Although we recommend getting braces as a child because children's teeth are more moldable, this doesn’t mean adult treatment is out of the question. It may take longer, but adults who undergo Houston braces treatment will also benefit from a straight, beautiful smile. Our South Houston braces dentist offers different types of dental braces:

  • Metal Houston Braces, which are the most common method of orthodontic correction and are especially efficient at correcting even the most severe case.
  • Ceramic Houston Braces, which are increasing in popularity due to their tooth-like color and impressive strength. This makes them a viable alternative to metal dental braces for patients who dont want to draw attention to their mouths while they undergo treatment.
  • Invisalign Clear Aligners, which are the most subtle method of malocclusion correction because clear aligners are nearly invisible and offer more flexibility in terms of wear.

Get Adult Houston Braces With Our South Houston Family Dentist At Centra Dental

If you’re an adult and are worried about your smile, don’t fret. We want you to feel confident in your beautiful smile. If you think dental braces might be an option for you, then please book an appointment with us. We will begin with the initial dental braces consultation to address your concerns and then design the best treatment plan for you. With our braces starting at $99 a month, we look forward to embracing your smile, affordably.

Make South Houston Invisalign Work For You

Over the last decade, Invisalign Clear Aligners have risen in popularity among our South Houston family dentist patients. Metal Houston braces may work for all types of bad bites (malocclusions), but Invisalign can be just as effective at straightening your teeth, so long as our South Houston dentist recommends Invisalign as an effective treatment for you. Here is how you can make sure Invisalign works for you as best as it possibly can.

Remove Your Clear Aligners At Meal Times

Invisalign Clear Aligners are a highly flexible orthodontic treatment, so it’s no surprise that one of the greatest perks that come with Invisalign is that the clear aligners are removable, unlike the metal Houston braces our South Houston dentist also offers. 

In addition to removing your aligners when it’s time to eat, we also recommend avoiding crunchy or excessively chewy foods, as your teeth will temporarily be tender and sore each time you get a new set of Invisalign.

Brush Your Teeth More Often

Much like with regular dental braces, it’s important to brush your teeth after each snack and meal to ensure no food gets stuck in between your teeth, as this gets in the way of your Invisalign clear aligner trays and disrupts how they move your teeth. Flossing nightly is also crucial so you don’t let any food sit in between your teeth and cause cavities.

Wear Invisalign As Directed By Our South Houston Dentists

Invisalign must be worn for 20-22 hours a day, which includes the time you spend sleeping. This helps ensure that your teeth are constantly being shifted into the necessary position to create a straight smile that will last a long time. If you wear them as directed and maintain proper dental hygiene, you may be able to skip the Invisalign on a special occasion.

Our South Houston Family Dentists Want to Ensure Your Invisalign Treatment Is Successful

If you are planning to start Invisalign, please book an appointment with us so we can examine your teeth and determine an appropriate treatment plan. We want to ensure Invisalign gives you the straight, healthy smile you deserve for life.

What To Expect With Metal And Ceramic Houston Braces

When your child is at or near the age of 10, dental braces may be considered. When you and your child come visit our South Houston family dentist for their teeth cleaning, we will be able to tell you when it may be a good time to begin Houston braces treatment. While your kid may be excited to wear dental braces and get a beautiful smile, we understand there may be a sensation of overwhelm when it comes to all the steps involved in treatment. Because of this, we have put together this guide on what to expect with Houston braces.

Phase 1: Your First Houston Braces Consultation

Before getting dental braces, your child must come in for a consultation in which we will advise them on what treatment may work best for them. Most braces dentists conduct their consultation in two parts: 

  • Gathering materials
    • We will gather x-rays, photographs, and/or digital scans or molds of your child’s teeth
  • Evaluating the materials
    • Once gathered, our South Houston braces dentist will study the material and then share our findings with you and examine the bite. At this point, we may recommend a proper treatment plan, including how long to wear dental braces for and what type of dental braces will best meet your child’s needs–ceramic braces, metal braces, or Invisalign.
    • We will also address any concerns you may have about treatment.

Phase 2: Getting Houston Braces

After the consultation, we will schedule a future appointment with your child so that our South Houston dentist can place the braces on your child’s teeth. Here’s how this appointment works:

  • Step 1: Thoroughly clean and dry the teeth so that the fitting goes smoothly
  • Step 2: Apply orthodontic bonding glue to the teeth and attach the brackets, which are either small metal or ceramic pieces that we affix to the front of the teeth one at a time. After each bracket is applied, we will utilize a curing light to dry the glue and move onto the next tooth.
  • Step 3: Place the wire across the brackets. This is what applies gentle pressure to the teeth so they gradually move toward the correct alignment

What Comes Next?

Over the next few weeks and months, your child will get used to wearing braces. They’ll barely notice them until it’s time to see our South Houston dentist again to tighten them, which we will do at predetermined periods of time that are based on your child’s personal treatment plan. Tightening the wire helps ensure the teeth are continuously moving where they should. Some slight soreness is to be expected after the initial fitting and after we tighten your braces, but it is easily manageable and will fade in a short period of time.

In Need Of Houston Braces?

If it’s time for your child to get braces, please book an appointment with our South Houston dentist so we can begin with the consultation. Rest assured that we will answer any and all questions and ensure treatment goes smoothly. We look forward to embracing your smile!