Maintain Your South Houston Invisalign Smile With Clear Retainers
Once your Houston family dentist has restored your smile to its full potential, the job of maintaining that smile begins. For the first few months after you’ve finished your Houston Invisalign treatment, you will need to wear some clear retainers. This might sound like a bit of a hassle, but it is a minor inconvenience compared to the olden days of living with South Houston braces for years.
Tooth Correction Was Tougher Before Houston Invisalign
For most patients today, South Houston Invisalign treatment is sufficient to correct mild to moderate cases of crowded, crooked, or misaligned teeth. Nowadays, only severe cases require the use of South Houston braces, entailing the installation of brackets and wires. Braces can incur long, painful, and expensive work for your Houston dentist, to say nothing of the aesthetic cost for patients in social situations. Keeping your Houston braces clean also takes a lot more time and effort, with food particles liable to get stuck between the various bits installed in your mouth. Fortunately, a consultation with your South Houston dentist will let you know that a better, less painful, and more convenient option now exists.
Invisalign’s Advantages Over Traditional South Houston Braces
Houston Invisalign treatment involves having a series of transparent plastic custom-fit aligner trays made for your mouth. Mechanically, they work the same way as South Houston braces, applying pressure to gradually push your teeth back into their proper place, but with a lot less hassle and aesthetic penalty. If you are thinking of getting some South Houston Invisalign treatment for yourself, consider scheduling an appointment with a South Houston dentist today!
Retainers Preserve Houston Invisalign Progress
After your Houston Invisalign treatment has concluded, your teeth will want to slip back into their old positions. That’s why your South Houston family dentist will require you to wear a retainer for several months. Research has found that tooth movement is at its most active during the night, which is why retainers must be worn even throughout the night as you sleep. Thankfully, your Houston dentist can fit you for a clear retainer, allowing your new smile to shine through in everyday situations. While they will require some work on your part to keep them clean, it is definitely a much smaller inconvenience than dealing with traditional Houston braces. This shows how advancements such as South Houston Invisalign have made dental work as convenient as they have ever been. Do you think your teeth need some form of correction? If so, a quick diagnosis from your Houston family dentist is only a phone call away!