Do All Houston Braces Patients Have To Wear Rubber Bands?
You may have seen ceramic and metal dental braces patients wearing rubber bands at some point during the course of their treatment. If you or your child is about to undergo Houston braces treatment at one of our family dentist offices in Houston and South Houston, then you might be wondering if you (or your child) will also have to wear rubber bands. In this article, we will answer this question while also explaining the importance of rubber bands.
What Are Rubber Bands Used For
Rubber bands are primarily used as a way to correct your bite, specifically if you have an overbite or an underbite. These rubber bands apply additional pressure to your jaw in order to guide it to the right placement in a more accelerated manner than your braces would without rubber bands.
Wearing Rubber Bands With Your Dental Braces
Because rubber bands accelerate the correction of your malocclusion, getting to this phase in your Houston braces treatment is a pretty big, exciting deal! They are a major milestone in your overall treatment, but not everyone has to wear rubber bands. Typically, if our Houston braces patients don’t have an overbite or underbite, but do experience crowding in their teeth, then they may not need rubber bands. However, they are still an option that we will recommend based on each individual patient case.
Similar to wearing retainers after braces, it is critical to the success of your treatment that you wear your rubber bands as directed if you want to complete your braces treatment on time (or, in some cases, earlier!). Most of the time, our South Houston family dentists recommend you wear your rubber bands at least 10-12 hours a day, but in some cases, we recommend wearing them for 24 hours except for when you’re eating, brushing your teeth, and flossing. It isn’t rare for patients to begin wearing bands 24/7 and then switch to just a few hours a day.
Our Houston Family Dentists Will Recommend Rubber Bands If Your Treatment Requires It
If you’re about to undergo braces treatment, or if you are curious about if/when you might need rubber bands, then please book an appointment with us so we can perform a teeth cleaning before your dental benefits expire and evaluate your bite before making a recommendation. We can’t wait to embrace your smile!