Do Houston Braces Permanently Straighten Your Teeth?
Most patients who undergo dental braces treatment mistakenly believe that once the braces are off, there’s nothing else to do besides show off that new smile for the rest of their life. You can get to that point, but only when some extra measures are taken.
Remember That Your Teeth Can Still Shift After Houston Braces Treatment Is Complete
Dental braces–whether in the form of metal dental braces, ceramic braces, or Invisalign–work because they are constantly applying pressure to your teeth and pushing them in the direction they need to go in order to become straight. When your dental braces come off, your teeth no longer have that pressure guiding them, which means they can shift and undo all the work your investment did.
Aside from natural shifting, there are some situations that can otherwise contribute to your teeth becoming crooked again, such as:
- Teeth grinding
- A condition in which many of our South Houston family dentist patients may grind their teeth or clench them tightly. Over time, this will cause your teeth to become crooked again. Some retainers help prevent this, but otherwise, a nightguard can help as well.
- Wisdom Teeth
- Wisdom tooth removal is very common these days. Wisdom teeth are extra teeth that a patient may have which, if not removed, will start to crowd the teeth and force their way above the gum line, which will push all your other teeth in different directions.
Protect Your Teeth After Houston Braces
In order to make certain the time and money you invested in wearing Houston braces wasn’t all for naught, we ask that you wear orthodontic retainers. Usually, we will recommend our South Houston family dentist patients wear retainers 24/7 for about a year, with the exception of meal times and brushing your teeth. This is because it takes roughly a year for your teeth to settle into the soft tissues in your mouth. By settling into the tissues of your mouth, this will help your teeth preserve their new alignment.
Different Retainers For Different South Houston Braces Patients
At our South Houston family dentist office, we know that every patient and every bite is different. Depending on your particular case, we may recommend bonded retainers, traditional wire retainers, or transparent plastic orthodontic retainers. If you are nearing the end of your Houston braces treatment, please book an appointment with us so we can get you fitted for a retainer that will keep your smile straight and healthy.