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South Houston Family Dentist

  • Do You Need To Clean Your Orthodontic Retainers?

    After Houston braces, our patients have to wear orthodontic retainers in order to retain the new alignment of their teeth. There are several kinds of retainers available, each with different pros and cons. However, they all have one thing in common besides protecting your teeth from shifting again: they need to be cleaned. 

    Why Your Retainers Should Be Cleaned

    Because retainers are worn in your mouth after Houston braces, they can easily collect whatever is on your teeth, such as plaque, bacteria, and tartar. If you aren’t adamant about cleaning your orthodontic retainers, they may start to smell or taste really bad, which is unpleasant for you and may steer you away from wearing your retainers responsibly.

    Bacteria are usually found in our mouths, which is why we have to keep them clean, but if illness-causing bacteria such as streptococcus is left to accumulate on your retainers, you may get sick with an infection.

    How Should Retainers Be Cleaned?

    Because every type of retainer is made of different materials, how you clean them will depend on this. However, here are some general tips and rules of thumb for each type.

    Traditional Hawley Retainer and Transparent Removable Retainers

    Brush your Hawley retainer or transparent retainer with lukewarm water after every meal with a soft toothbrush and be sure to brush your teeth as well, especially if you are in your first year after Houston braces. By brushing your teeth after every meal, you are ensuring no food particles get stuck in between your teeth and prevent your retainers from doing their job.

    Consider asking our South Houston dentist at your next appointment if soaking your retainers in a special cleaning solution is an option. There are multiple options available, but we can recommend what works best for your retainers. We can also discuss how long you should soak them for, as you don’t want to soak them too long. Soaking Hawley retainers for too long may corrode the metal.

    Bonded Permanent Retainers

    Flossing is the best way to clean your bonded retainers, as they are fused to the teeth, so they cannot be removed and separately scrubbed. By flossing correctly, you will slide the thread between your teeth and around your bonded retainers. Our South Houston dentist will be more than happy to teach you the proper flossing technique. 

    Visit Our South Houston Dentist To Learn More About Proper Retainer Care

    If you are about to wear retainers or have been wearing them for some time, please book an appointment with us so we can check that you are taking proper care of your teeth and ensure that they have not shifted. We will help get you back on track to beautiful, straight teeth.


  • Does Every Houston Braces Patient Need a Retainer?

    Getting your Houston braces removed after a significant amount of time wearing them is in itself a reward. Doing so allows you to fully appreciate the improvement your Houston family dentist has done on your pearly whites. Our helpful and caring staff are familiar with the glowing smile radiating from patients who have just had their Houston braces removed. However, your treatment is not yet over because you will most probably have to wear a retainer. In this article, our top-rated Houston dentist will discuss why Houston braces patients need to wear a retainer after their treatment.

    How Houston Braces Work?

    As you probably may well know, your Houston braces work by applying constant force to your teeth and jaw to slowly coax them into the desired position. These forces are applied to your teeth through brackets that are glued to them and the archwire that are tethered to the brackets. As your braces move your teeth, your top-rated Houston family dentist performs regular adjustment to get your teeth to move to the target position.

    We think of teeth and jaws as fairly fixed parts of our mouth and are quite immovable. So how do your teeth move during a Houston braces treatment? Your teeth are attached to your jaw through your gums and fibrous ligaments. The gums and fibrous ligaments are what is being acted upon by the forces coming from your Houston ceramic braces.

    What Does a Retainer Do After Houston Braces?

    During the treatment, the gums and fibrous ligaments that hold your teeth become loose. When the braces are removed, the gums don’t tighten for a while so they offer no resistance to your teeth moving around. This is why almost all patients who have undergone a Houston Braces treatment will have to wear a retainer.

    The length of time you will need to wear a retainer after your Houston metal braces treatment will vary depending on your Houston family dentist’s assessment of your situation but it is typically for several months to a year or longer. Wearing a retainer will help your teeth keep their new positions. Retainers help prevent this from happening by holding your teeth in place until your gums and fibrous ligaments stabilize and adapt to the new tooth positions.

    When It Comes to Houston Braces, Work Only with the Top-Rated Dentists

    Here at Centra Dental, we believe that everyone deserves to have a smile they are proud to wear. That is why we have come up with a wide range of dental services that can cater to the specific needs of their customers. We have pooled top-rated general and family dentistry practitioners to provide the highest quality of dental care. We have assembled a team of helpful and caring staff to guarantee that your visits to our clinic are pleasant and stress-free. Call us now and let us help you embrace your smile.

  • Does Your Teen Need Houston Braces?

    Although our dental braces are effective no matter how old you are, there are some benefits to considering Houston braces treatment at a younger age. With that said, you may be wondering if it’s time for your teenager to get Houston braces. In this article, we will offer insight to help you determine whether it might be time, as well as what you and your teen can expect.

    Have All Your Teen’s Baby Teeth Fallen Out?

    If your teen’s baby teeth have fallen out and all their permanent teeth have emerged, then you will be able to take a quick look to see if they might need braces. Houston braces treat overbites, underbites, open bites, teeth crowding, and more, so if your child is exhibiting (to any degree) any of these in their smile, then this is a good indicator that they might need correction with Houston braces.

    See Our Family Dentists In Houston And South Houston For A Houston Braces Consultation

    Now, it’s time to come in for a braces consultation, at which point we’ll gather x-rays, photographs, and impressions of your child’s teeth. Our family dentists will review this information and then discuss our evaluation with you and your teen.

    We’ll explain how we expect your treatment to go and which of our Houston braces–Invisalign, metal dental braces, or ceramic dental braces–is suitable for your teen’s unique case. This will be a lot of information at once, but we will continue to be communicative and explain how their teeth are moving over the course of treatment.

    Getting Fitted For Dental Braces At Our Houston And South Houston Dentist Offices

    After the consultation, we’ll schedule another appointment where we will place the braces on their teeth. Here’s what you and your child will expect at this appointment.

    • Step 1: Our South Houston family dentist will thoroughly clean and dry your teeth so that the process goes by smoothly.
    • Step 2: We will apply orthodontic glue to your teeth and attach the brackets (either metal or ceramic) to the front of your teeth, one tooth at a time. We will follow this by drying the glue before we move onto the next bracket.
    • Step 3: Lastly, we will place the archwire across your teeth, which will apply gentle pressure to the brackets. This is how dental braces move your teeth.

    This process usually takes about 2 hours and isn't painful, but your teenager’s mouth may feel sore afterward. This is normal and will gradually fade away after a few days. If your teen will undergo Invisalign treatment, this is what you can expect.

    In Need of Houston Braces? Visit Our Family Dentists In Houston And South Houston

    If you believe that your teenager may need Houston braces, then please book an appointment with us so we can begin with our dental braces consultation and design a treatment plan. We look forward to giving your teen a beautiful smile they are proud to show off!

  • Electric Toothbrush Versus Manual Toothbrush: Which is Best for Houston Braces

    Once accessible to few, electric toothbrushes are now widely available on the market. Today, there are some electric toothbrushes that utilize wireless chargers and even have bluetooth capabilities that allow you to set hygiene goals and track how well you brush your teeth. Does this make electric toothbrushes better for Houston braces? Here’s what our South Houston family dentist has to say. 

    Brushing Your Teeth With a Manual Toothbrush

    Manual toothbrushes are the most common method for keeping up with your oral hygiene. They are certainly effective, so long as they’re used properly. In order to brush your teeth correctly, hold your toothbrush at a 45 degree angle and brush all surfaces of the teeth (front, back, and chewing edge) in slow and gentle, circular motions. Be sure to brush for 2 minutes, spending 30 seconds in each quadrant. 

    Manual toothbrushes are readily available at grocery stores, pharmacies and even the dollar store, making them inexpensive, easy to shop for, and easy to replace at the last minute. As for drawbacks, manual toothbrushes may be a bit tricky for younger children to use correctly, so our South Houston family dentists advise parents to help their kids brush. When using manual toothbrushes it is very easy to start brushing a bit too hard, which can lead to pain and sensitivity in the gums. 

    Electric Toothbrushes For Our South Houston Family Dentist’s Patients

    The greatest benefit of electric toothbrushes is that they do all the work. They move the brush-head bristles in circular motion at the right pace with the right amount of pressure. All you need to do is gently glide it across your teeth. Some models even offer different modes and speeds for tongue cleaning, deep cleaning, and for patients with sensitive teeth and gums.

    Can Houston Braces Patients Use Electric Toothbrushes

    Our South Houston dentist’s Houston braces patients can use an electric toothbrush without worry. In fact, we often recommend them instead of manual toothbrushes to our patients who have begun their Houston braces treatment. The reason why is because electric toothbrushes make it easier to clean around your brackets and archwires if you wear metal dental braces or ceramic Houston braces. Research has shown that electric toothbrushes are also better at removing plaque, which is harder to do when wearing braces. By using an electric toothbrush, our Houston braces patients will effectively protect their teeth against cavities.

    Visit Centra Dental in South Houston to Check on Your Houston Braces Progress

    Our family dentists at Centra Dental in South Houston highly recommend our Houston braces patients to brush their teeth with electric toothbrushes. Please book an appointment for your next cleaning so we can check that you’re brushing your teeth well and ensure your treatment is going smoothly.

  • Get Your First Dental Cleaning of the Year

    With the start of a new year, it’s common to make resolutions designed to improve ourselves and our lives. As we usher in 2023, don’t forget the importance of regular dental cleanings with our top-rated South Houston dentist. These visits ensure your teeth and gums are healthy by removing plaque and tartar and catching any issues like cavities early. If you or your child have South Houston braces, regular dental cleanings are especially vital for successful treatment. Keep reading to see how a dental cleaning with our South Houston family dentist is the best way to start your year and embrace your smile.

    The Importance of Regular Dental Cleanings with Our South Houston Dentist 

    Even those with meticulous dental hygiene need to schedule regular dental cleanings to maintain their overall health. When you visit our South Houston family dentist for a dental cleaning, it gives us a chance to thoroughly polish and floss your teeth, remove plaque and tartar build-up and identify any signs of decay. For those with South Houston braces, regular dental cleanings are imperative to remove food particles and build-up that can get stuck under wires and between brackets. Our South Houston dentist can also offer techniques to improve dental hygiene routines, if necessary.

    Clean, strong teeth and gums aren’t only important for your oral health, but your overall health as well. Signs of certain illnesses like gum disease, some cancers, and heart disease first appear in the mouth. 

    What to Expect During a Dental Cleaning 

    Some plaque cannot be removed through brushing alone. Dental cleanings are needed to prevent root canals and dental fillings, especially if you have Houston braces. Here are some of the steps you can expect from your Houston family dentist.

    Physical Checkup

    To begin, our South Houston family dentist will examine your teeth and gums and identify any causes for concern before proceeding with the dental cleaning.

    Plaque Removal

    Our South Houston dentist will use a small tool called a scaler to remove all tartar and plaque around your teeth and gums. Sometimes, plaque gets so hard that it takes longer to remove, which requires more scraping in a particular spot and should serve as a sign that you may need to see our South Houston family dentist more often.

    Toothpaste Polishing

    Once all the plaque and tartar have been removed, our South Houston dentist will apply a special, gritty toothpaste and an electric brush to clean and polish your teeth. The unique rounded head of this toothbrush cleans more thoroughly than you can at home.

    Professional Flossing

    Next, we’ll floss in between each tooth to remove plaque from the hard-to-reach places. We can also clean areas you normally can’t get through regular flossing at home.

    Fluoride Treatment

    After rinsing off the debris, a fluoride treatment will be applied, much like a mouthwash. This protects your teeth from potential cavities for several months.

    Book a Cleaning With Our South Houston Dentist

    At Centra Dental, our top-rated South Houston dentist provides a range of services, such as South Houston braces, teeth whitening, dental crowns, bridges, and more. We are committed to your safety and comfort, which is why we continuously circulate surgically clean air. We strive to make the dental experience as pleasant and stress-free as possible. Patients have access to movies and wi-fi in order to make your experience as comfortable and stress-free as possible. Give us a chance to embrace your smile and ask us about our dental service specials.

  • Houston Braces for Adults

    Malocclusion is a term used to refer to an incorrect bite, improper tooth alignment, crowded teeth, and irregular teeth spacing. It’s a very common condition most often treated with dental braces, usually during a patient’s adolescent or teen years. But did you know that our South Houston cosmetic dentist offers braces for adults, too? Keep reading to learn why Houston braces might be recommended for adult patients and what options are best for you and your lifestyle. 

    When Our South Houston Dentist May Suggest Adult Dental Braces

    Houston braces for adults are becoming more and more popular now that this treatment has become more streamlined, affordable, and varied in its methods. Sometimes adult braces are prescribed to correct malocclusion that wasn’t treated in childhood for any number of reasons. Other times, it’s to correct a minor alignment issue that has recently become more severe. Even recent trauma or injury can lead to a need for Houston adult braces. But no matter the cause, untreated malocclusion is an unsightly and uncomfortable problem that can cause migraines, gum disease, speech impediments, and improper digestion due to difficulties chewing food. Our South Houston cosmetic dentist can explain the best plan of care for you and your needs.

    Houston Braces Options for Adults with Our South Houston Dentist

    Our South Houston family dentist offers a variety of treatments for adults living with crooked or misaligned teeth. After your initial consultation, we may recommend one of the following types of Houston braces for adults:

    Metal Dental Braces 

    The most popular and cost-effective option, these Houston braces for adults feature metal brackets that are glued to each tooth’s surface and connected by a metal wire that our South Houston family dentist tightens periodically over the course of treatment to straighten teeth. Metal dental braces have a noticeable appearance, but are effective at correcting nearly all malocclusion issues.

    Ceramic Dental Braces

    South Houston ceramic dental braces are composed of brackets and wires that are adjusted in order to move crooked teeth into a straighter line over time, just like metal braces. The difference is that they are constructed of clear or tooth-colored ceramic, making them less noticeable. 

    Houston Invisalign

    An appealing option for adults due to a virtually invisible and noninvasive design is Houston Invisalign. This treatment plan features a series of clear plastic aligners that gradually straighten teeth. They must be worn at least 22 hours each day in order to work effectively, but are removed when eating and drinking. They are more expensive than either of the options above and may not be recommended for those with severe malocclusion. 

    Achieve a Winning Smile With Houston Braces For Adults 

    Don’t dismiss your chance to have the confident smile you deserve! Instead, schedule an appointment with our South Houston dentist to discuss your braces for adults options and establish the treatment plan that’s right for you. Centra Dental strives to provide the highest quality care for all our patients, so come see why we’re the number one choice in South Houston family dentistry. 

  • Houston Braces For The Summer

    Kids have just finished up their semesters or they are almost done with them, which means summer fun is soon to begin! In many cases, parents and their children would prefer to begin Houston braces treatment in the summer and if that’s the case, our Houston dentist is ready to examine your child’s teeth to determine if Houston braces are needed. 

    Getting braces at the start of summer break is great because your child won’t be in school anymore, which allows for more flexible scheduling. Further, children will get a significant portion of their treatment done over the summer, resulting in a notably straighter smile when the next school year starts!

    Signs Your Child Might Need Houston Braces

    Does your child exhibit any of the following with their smile?

    • Crooked teeth
    • Gaps in their smile
    • Crowded teeth
    • Underbite
    • Overbite

    If so, then chances are they need braces, and our dentists in Houston and South Houston offer ceramic dental braces, metal dental braces, and even Invisalign, all of which are made affordable! Getting a straighter, healthier smile doesn’t have to break the bank when you entrust our dentist with your Houston braces treatment. 

    Which Houston Braces Should Your Child Get?

    With our various dental braces options, it can be difficult to figure out which one is right for your child. Not to worry, though! When we start discussing Houston braces treatment, we will move forward with a Houston braces consultation that will give us insight on whether Invisalign, metal Houston braces, or ceramic Houston braces are right for your child’s unique case.

    Think It Might Be Time For Your Child To Undergo Houston Braces Treatment? Visit Centra Dental In Houston And South Houston!

    Serving families in Houston and South Houston, we are proud to be the top-rated choice for affordable Houston braces. If you’re wondering about putting your child on a dental braces treatment plan, then please book an appointment with us so we can begin with a consultation. We accept various insurance plans and dedicate ourselves to helping your child achieve their best dental health, and we can’t wait to embrace their smile!

  • Houston Metal Braces For Children

    Approximately 4 million Americans wear braces at any given time in order to fix what is classified as a malocclusion. A malocclusion is what we call a “bad bite”, such as crowded teeth, underbites, and overbites. Metal dental braces are an effective and affordable method our dentists in Houston and South Houston use to correct a malocclusion, especially for younger children who prefer to take advantage of early Houston braces treatment. In this article, we will discuss how metal dental braces work so you and your child know what to expect.

    What Are Metal Braces Made Of?

    Our metal Houston braces feature 3 key components:

    • Metal brackets, which are glued to the front of the teeth with a semipermanent dental cement
    • Archwire, which is placed across the brackets
    • O-rings, which keep the archwire attached to the metal brackets

    How Houston Braces Straighten Your Child’s Teeth

    Our Houston and South Houston family dentists offer metal braces that are thinner (and therefore far lighter in weight) than most other metal braces available. 

    All types of Houston braces that we offer do the same job in principle: they apply pressure to the teeth, which gradually moves them to their desired position. When it comes to metal dental braces, our South Houston braces dentist will tighten the archwire on a regular basis. Tightening the archwire in a certain way helps push the teeth in the direction we intend for them to go, thanks to the help of our state-of-the-art 3D modeling software.

    In some cases, especially if you have an overbite or an underbite, we will incorporate rubber bands into your Houston braces treatment.

    Is Your Child Ready For Houston Braces? Centra Dental Is Your Go-To Braces Expert!

    Whether you are in Houston or South Houston, our family dentists are here for your dental braces needs. We offer affordable dental braces for as low as $99/month and our caring staff and advanced technology ensure that you have the best possible experience every time you visit us. If you think your child might benefit from metal dental braces, then please book an appointment with us at one of our offices so we can begin with a braces consultation. We look forward to embracing your smile!

  • How Old Does My Child Need to be in Order to Get Houston Braces

    Many of our Houston braces patients are children and young teenagers. Dental braces are essential for good dental health and a healthy bite, otherwise, a variety of problems may occur if you don’t get braces. Prior to treatment, parents often ask our South Houston family dentist what age their child needs to be beforehand. Here is what we advise. 

    Don’t Wait Until Adulthood to Get Houston Braces

    Although it is perfectly acceptable to undergo dental braces treatment as an adult, treatment often lasts longer than it does in children. This is because children’s mouths and heads are still growing, so their teeth are more moldable. Most Houston braces treatments take place between ages 8 and 14 because, by this age, kids should have lost most or all of their baby teeth, but depending on the severity of their malocclusion, we may want to start earlier and set a timeline for you. For example, if their bite is really severe and treatment will take 3 years, you may wish to start at age 10 so that they can be done with their dental braces treatment by age 13 or 14. 

    Get an Early Houston Braces Evaluation

    In many cases, especially if we have been treating you and your child for years and have been able to see how your child’s teeth develop, we might recommend your child comes in for an orthodontic evaluation when they’re around 7 years old. Our trained family dentists will be able to draw conclusions on how the teeth and jaw will develop and if/how braces treatment will help. We will also be able to determine whether interceptive treatment will be necessary, in the event that your child’s malocclusion is one that will likely worsen over time. This involves using orthodontic appliances as an early treatment. In some cases, there won’t be a need for Houston braces once the interceptive treatment has concluded. 

    Houston Braces For Kids at Centra Dental in South Houston

    Dental braces today are much more subtle and comfortable than they used to be, so regardless of which age your child begins treatment, we will determine the type of braces that work best for them to achieve a healthy, straight, and beautiful smile. If you think it might be time for your child to get braces, please book an appointment so we can begin with our consultation.

  • How Old Kids Need To Be Before They Get Houston Braces: Is Earlier Treatment Possible and Recommended?

    Although we get many adult patients who seek Houston braces treatment, particularly with Invisalign Clear Aligners, our South Houston family dentist sees children more often. When families come in for their semiannual teeth cleaning, parents often ask us when their kid might be ready for braces, if early treatment is possible, and/or how much longer they should wait to avoid needing another alignment treatment in the future. This is what our South Houston family dentists recommend.

    Early Houston Braces Treatment Is Good; A Second Treatment Is Rarely Necessary

    Before we get into anything else, we want to address the common concern that many patients have: if their kid gets braces too young, won’t they need to get them straightened again in the future? 

    Getting braces early, when your child is young, is a great idea because they're still growing, so their jaws are too. This makes their teeth easily moveable, which may help shorten the duration of their treatment. Some patients, however, require even earlier treatment known as an interceptive treatment. This type of treatment involves using orthodontic appliances to complete early treatment if a patient’s malocclusion is one that can worsen the longer it is left untreated. This may take place as a two-part treatment, but it’s possible for these cases to be resolved at once and they won’t need Houston braces again. On the other hand, the teeth will need to be corrected again if the patient wasn't responsible when it came to wearing their orthodontic retainers, and this is regardless of age.

    The Youngest Age At Which Houston Braces Treatment Can Begin

    Dental braces treatment usually takes place between the ages of 8 and 14 because by then, children have lost all or most of their baby teeth. That said, when your child should get dental braces also depends on how severe their malocclusion is and, consequently, which type of treatment they’ll need (Invisalign, metal dental braces, ceramic Houston braces). Some children may need Houston braces for longer due to a really bad bite, so we might recommend they start closer to 8. Other children may not have as bad a case, so they can wait a bit before getting braces and by then, it’s up to their personal preference.

    Houston Braces For Kids at Centra Dental in South Houston

    Today’s dental braces are much lighter in weight and more subtle than they used to be. With the many types of Houston braces we offer, we’ll find the method that works best for your child to have healthy, straight teeth. If you’re considering Houston braces treatment for your child, please book an appointment with us so we can start with an orthodontic evaluation. This will give our trained dentists, who regularly further their education, the opportunity to determine how your child's teeth and jaw will develop, and how dental braces will help. 

  • How Our South Houston Invisalign Patients Can Ensure Effective Treatment

    Invisalign Clear Aligners have certainly risen in popularity for our teenaged patients, as well as our adult patients since it initially emerged in the early 2000’s. Although metal dental braces are effective on all types of malocclusions–minor or severe, that isn’t to say that clear aligners are not just as effective for a minor malocclusion, which is the technical term we use to refer to a “bad bite”. Here is what our South Houston family dentists recommend in order for our Invisalign patients to get the most out of their treatment.

    Remove Your Clear Aligners When It’s Time to Eat

    Invisalign is known as a more flexible orthodontic treatment, so it’s no surprise that one of the greatest perks that come with Invisalign is that the clear aligners are removable, unlike the metal Houston braces that we fuse to the teeth with a dental cement. Because clear aligners are made of plastic, you should not chew with them.

    However, just because you don’t chew with them does not mean you can eat whatever you want. On the contrary, each time a patient receives a new set of clear aligners, their teeth feel more tender, so it is imperative to avoid crunchy and chewy foods. This is especially crucial within the first 48 hours of wearing new aligners.

    Our South Houston Dentist Patients Need to be Responsible

    Invisalign must be worn for 20-22 hours a day, which includes the time you spend sleeping overnight. This helps ensure that your teeth are constantly being shifted into the necessary position to create a straight smile. Now, if you wear them as directed and maintain exceptional dental hygiene, you may be able to wear them a little less by only skipping them on special occasions, such as a school dance or a wedding.

    What is exceptional hygiene? Essentially, you need to take care to brush your teeth after every meal and snack to ensure no food gets stuck in between your teeth and held in by the aligners. Additionally, flossing nightly is crucial, and more dental cleanings may be necessary.

    This all requires a lot of discipline, which is why some younger patients may instead wear metal or ceramic dental braces. In order to wear your Invisalign clear aligners as directed, you have to ensure you don’t lose them, misplace them, or become a little too comfortable to a point where you wear them less than the time our South Houston dentists recommend.

    Centra’s South Houston Family Dentists Want to Ensure Your Treatment Goes as Planned

    If you are planning to start Invisalign, or have recently begun treatment, please book a Houston braces appointment with us so we can examine your teeth and further explain a more detailed treatment plan. We want to ensure Invisalign gives you the straight, healthy smile you deserve.

  • How South Houston Invisalign Works

    Dental braces–such as metal Houston braces and ceramic Houston braces–are fairly common these days. Pre-teens, teenagers, and even adults wear them for an average of 1-2 years in order to get a healthier smile that they can show with pride. Invisalign is also gaining popularity, especially due to its subtlety, but it works slightly differently than our aforementioned dental braces. In this article, we will explain how South Houston Invisalign works.

    How Invisalign Houston Braces Work

    First and foremost, Invisalign is made up of plastic–unlike its metal and ceramic counterparts–but the general logic behind how Invisalign works is the same as our other Houston braces. Essentially, we are pressing a strong material against your teeth in order to apply pressure that will gradually move them to the correct alignment.

    Gathering Your Information

    When you come in for your South Houston braces consultation, we will discuss what we need from you in order to put you on Invisalign treatment. Some of the things we gather include:

    • X-rays
    • Photos of your teeth
    • Impressions

    These materials will aid us in designing the right treatment for you that addresses how your teeth should move over time. Next, we will send this to our dental lab so they can design your custom Invisalign Clear Aligner trays, which are unique to your bite and how it should change throughout the course of your treatment. 

    What You Can Expect For Your South Houston Invisalign Treatment

    When it comes to Invisalign trays, your clear aligner trays are all shaped slightly differently, and you will wear one set at a time for a few weeks, depending on your unique treatment plan. Once you finish wearing one set of clear aligners, you will come into our South Houston dentist office so we can assess the progress of your Invisalign treatment, and then we will give you your new set, which will help guide your teeth to the next phase in their alignment. 

    Considering Invisalign? Visit Our South Houston Dentists At Centra Dental!

    If you’re interested in wearing Invisalign as opposed to ceramic or metal Houston braces, then please book an appointment with our dentist. We will schedule a Houston braces consultation with you and discuss what your unique needs and preferences are, and then we will move forward with giving you a smile you’re eager to show off!

  • How To Keep Up Invisalign Hygiene With Our South Houston Dentist

    Patients who chose Houston Invisalign to correct issues with teeth alignment are well aware of the benefits this treatment can provide. It’s easy-to-use, barely visible, and not as unsightly as traditional metal braces. One of the most common questions our Houston dentist receives is in reference to proper Invisalign hygiene. If you’re new to South Houston Invisalign or are considering the option for your misalignment, knowing the best methods to keep your teeth and aligners clean can help you achieve successful results and maintain your overall oral health.

    What Is Houston Invisalign?

    Invisalign is designed for patients who want to correct malocclusion, which occurs when teeth are not properly aligned, resulting in an improper bite. The treatment features clear, flexible plastic aligners that gradually shift your teeth to the proper place, typically in less time than traditional metal braces. South Houston Invisalign is an appealing option for many due to its sleek and virtually invisible appearance. 

    Proper Invisalign Hygiene, According To Our South Houston Family Dentist

    If you or your teenager has decided to begin the Invisalign process with our South Houston dentist, it’s important to keep your aligners and your teeth clean in order to achieve the best results. This can be accomplished by adhering to the following:

    Clean Your Aligners Several Times Per Day

    Our South Houston family dentist recommends cleaning your aligners with antibacterial soap whenever you brush your teeth. You should also soak them at least once a day in Invisalign cleaning crystals, which are designed to provide a deep clean that kills bacteria and prevents stains.

    Brush Your Teeth After Eating

    Since the aligners are designed to be removed while eating, but also only placed on freshly-brushed teeth, it’s wise to brush your teeth after every meal and snack. Pack a travel toothbrush and toothpaste in your purse or backpack so you have it with you at all times. 

    Floss Regularly

    As your teeth shift into their proper position, new crevices and spaces may develop that can become breeding grounds for decay-causing bacteria. Regular flossing can aid in removing food particles and plaque from the gum line and between teeth.

    Avoid Items That Could Cause Stains

    Drinks like coffee or tea, as well as beauty products that may come into contact with your aligners, such as lipstick or gloss, should be avoided during your South Houston Invisalign treatment. Should these items stain your aligners or get between the aligner and your tooth’s surface, it could result in a permanent stain on either surface.

    Will Our Houston Dentist Recommend Invisalign, Braces, or Something Else?

    Our South Houston dentist takes many factors into consideration before recommending Invisalign, Houston braces, or other possible interventions for a malocclusion. Metal Houston braces have long been the standard for severe alignment issues, but Invisalign is more effective than most think, even for those with significant bite problems. There are times in which certain teeth need to be removed in order to make room for the remaining teeth to shift into their proper position. If you’re wondering which treatment is best for you, our South Houston family dentist can provide you with the answers you need. 

    Our Houston Family Dentist Knows The Best Treatment for You 

    If you or your teen is ready to correct existing alignment issues, Centra Dental is proud to help you on your way to a brighter, more confident smile. We offer cutting-edge treatment in a clean environment designed to keep your family safe and healthy. Call us today to schedule an appointment

  • How to Keep Your Teeth Clean and Healthy While Wearing Houston Braces

    A common worry that many of our South Houston dentist patients have when they are about to undergo dental braces treatment is that they won’t be able to clean their teeth properly, resulting in cavities. This is simply not true, and here is how you can ensure that your teeth remain extra healthy throughout treatment. 

    Brush Your Teeth More

    Brushing your teeth twice a day with a fluoridated toothpaste is one of the most important things you can do to keep your teeth healthy. When you wear braces, though, you should brush your teeth more often because the face of the tooth is no longer completely exposed, so it’s easy to miss some spots. Our South Houston dentists recommend that you rinse your mouth out with water after every meal and snack you eat and then brush immediately after. This will help make sure that no food particles get stuck in the brackets of your metal dental braces and ceramic dental braces. If you wear Invisalign, this will ensure there is no food stuck in between your teeth that then becomes trapped by your clear aligner trays. Rinsing and brushing often are great ways to prevent cavities. Just be sure you don’t use whitening toothpaste, or you may risk your teeth being uneven in how white they are.

    Floss Slowly and Carefully

    Flossing is the second thing you can do to ensure your teeth remain healthy and cavity-free. It may be a challenge, but flossing is a MUST. Today, there are several different kinds of braces-friendly floss and our South Houston family dentists are more than happy to teach you how to properly floss while wearing braces.

    Be Diligent in Coming to Your Houston Braces Appointments With Our Dentists

    Much like how you care for your teeth by coming in for cleanings twice a year, the same rule stands when you wear braces. By coming in for your semiannual teeth cleanings, we can double-check on the progress of your braces treatment, along with your overall dental health, and clean your teeth more deeply and thoroughly than you would at home. If you would like to come in for a cleaning and more tips on taking care of your dental hygiene while wearing braces, then please book an appointment with us. We look forward to embracing your smile!

  • How to Make Sure Your Dental Health is Optimal While You Wear Houston Braces

    Can your teeth be as clean when wearing dental braces as they are without them? Absolutely. In fact, when you undergo your Houston braces treatment, your teeth will likely be cleaner than you would have ever imagined. You may have known how to take care of your teeth prior to braces, but when wearing either metal braces, ceramic dental braces, or Invisalign, your routine will change. This is what our South Houston family dentists recommend to ensure your teeth remain in pristine condition.

    Brush Your Teeth More Often

    It is crucial that you brush your teeth more often when you are undergoing Houston braces treatment because the surfaces of your teeth are no longer fully exposed, thanks to the plastic aligners covering them or the metal or ceramic brackets glued to the surface of your teeth. Our South Houston dentists recommend that you carry a travel-size toothbrush and toothpaste with you so that you can always have a toothbrush handy, even when you’re running errands or are at school or work. 

    Rather than only brushing twice a day, we recommend that you first do a thorough oral rinse after each meal and then brush your teeth after each of them. Doing so ensures there is no food left between your teeth, protecting you against decay. We also recommend swishing a fluoridated, alcohol-free mouthwash before bed once your teeth are well-brushed. This will encourage stronger, healthier teeth while you undergo your Houston braces treatment. Yes, it may be extra work, but your teeth will thank you. 

    Gently Floss Every Day

    Nowadays there are several different kinds of floss that are dental braces-friendly available on the market. You must floss your teeth every night before bed, just like you did before your dental braces. While we understand it may be harder to floss with braces, flossing keeps your teeth squeaky clean and healthy. If you are unclear on how to floss effectively, please let us know. Our team of dentists will happily show you.

    Visit Centra Dental in South Houston For Your Dental Check-Up Every Six Months

    Much like how your dental cleanings are important when you don't have braces, they are even more important if you are currently undergoing braces treatment so that we can keep an eye on your progress and your health. If you are wearing Houston braces, please book an appointment today so that, together, we can give you the straight, beautiful smile you deserve.

  • How to Prevent Houston Braces from Breaking

    Dental braces work wonders to correct alignment issues such as crooked teeth or an improper bite by slowly shifting your teeth and jaw to their proper position. This is done through a series of brackets and wires that our South Houston dentist affixes to your teeth. And while Houston braces are sturdy and often resistant to the kind of wear and tear that can cause them to break, they are not immune to damage. If you or your teen just got braces with our South Houston family dentist, this article will help ensure they remain in good shape for the duration of your treatment.

    How Do Houston Braces Work? 

    Braces are comprised of metal brackets that our South Houston family dentist cements to each tooth, then connects with a wire. The width and tension of this wire are adjusted periodically to slowly shift the teeth and jaw to their ideal locations. Our South Houston dentist may also include coils, hooks, and/or ligatures depending on your individual treatment plan. These different parts of your Houston braces all work together to create a straighter smile, so if any one of these parts is damaged or breaks, it delays the effectiveness of your treatment and must be fixed by our South Houston family dentist immediately. 

    Common Reasons Houston Braces Might Break

    Because they’re made up of so many different parts, “broken” Houston braces can refer to damage seen to any of those parts, but the most common damage is to the brackets. Our South Houston dentist uses an adhesive to affix the brackets to each tooth, and sometimes these brackets can be jarred loose. Broken brackets are most often caused by patients eating sticky and/or hard foods that stick the bracket and pull it from the tooth. Our South Houston family dentist advises that it’s best for you or your teen to avoid these items while wearing Houston braces. Another common cause of a broken bracket on your Houston braces is from being too rough while brushing or flossing. Gentle, fluid motions work well to keep your teeth clean and your Houston braces intact.

    Our South Houston Dentist Can Fix Your Broken Braces

    If you or your teen have sustained damage to your Houston braces, it’s best to address it right away. The longer you wait, the more you’re delaying your treatment. And since all Houston braces components work together to shift your teeth, damage to one part could place undue stress on the surrounding components, leading to additional damage. Call our office to schedule an appointment with our South Houston family dentist as soon as possible. We can reaffix your broken bracket and check the strength of the adhesive on surrounding brackets to make sure they’re still firmly attached. We look forward to fixing your Houston braces damage and seeing you smile!

  • Is an Electric Toothbrush More Effective Than a Manual Toothbrush?

    Several years ago electric toothbrushes appeared on the market as an alternative to manual toothbrushes. How do they compare in terms of effectiveness, though?

    The Pros and Cons of Manual Toothbrushes

    Manual toothbrushes have been around for ages and are the default method for cleaning our teeth. They are quite effective, so long as the correct method is used. The correct way to brush your teeth with a manual toothbrush is to hold the brush at a 45-degree angle and brush all the surfaces of the teeth (front, back, and chewing edges) in slow and gentle, circular motions. Be sure to brush for 2 minutes.

    Manual toothbrushes are readily available at grocery stores, pharmacies, dollar stores, and even gas stations. Because of this, they are very inexpensive, easy to shop for, and easy to replace at the last minute. As for drawbacks, manual toothbrushes may be a bit tricky for younger children to use, so our pediatric dentists advise parents to help their kids each time they brush. When using manual brushes it is very easy to start brushing a little too hard, which can lead to pain and sensitivity in the gums.

    The Pros and Cons of Electric Toothbrushes

    Electric toothbrushes, although more expensive, may be the better option for some, including for patients who wear braces. The biggest benefit of electric toothbrushes is that they do all the work. They move the brush-head bristles in circular motions at the right pace with the right amount of pressure. You just have to hold the brush.

    Many electric options come with a built-in timer that goes off every 30 seconds to remind the user to move to the next area of their mouths. They also feature a timer that goes off at two minutes to let the user know when they can stop brushing. Some models even offer different modes and speeds for daily cleaning, tongue cleaning, and deep cleaning.

    Interestingly enough, our South Houston dentists have found that electric toothbrushes may keep children more engaged, which will encourage healthy habits early on. At our patient's dental cleanings, we have found that those who used an electric toothbrush while wearing braces were getting a better clean with less effort. As for patients who didn't know how to properly brush their teeth at first, we noticed they had experienced a reduced amount of plaque after regularly using an electric brush. On the other hand, patients who were already brushing correctly with a manual toothbrush and switched to an electric one did not experience a major difference.

    Which Toothbrush do Our South Houston Dentists Recommend?

    Our general dentists and pediatric dentists at Centra Dental recommend both types of toothbrushes. At the end of the day, it is up to the individual to decide which method they are most comfortable with, as both are highly effective. Pairing regular teeth cleanings (twice a year) with proper hygiene will help in achieving pristine oral health.

  • Is Invisalign a Good Idea for Your South Houston Teenager?

    By now it’s no secret that Invisalign is a popular method for correcting a bad bite. Nowadays, more and more dentists are offering this in addition to traditional metal braces and ceramic Houston braces. If we offer all of these dental braces treatments, is Invisalign still the most effective option for your teenager?

    The Difference Between Metal or Ceramic Braces and Invisalign

    Metal braces have been the primary form of treatment for teeth and jaw alignment for many decades now. This is precisely why they are still trusted by many of our South Houston dentists’ patients today. Ceramic braces are very similar, but they differ in that they blend into the teeth more and while they are strong, they aren’t as strong as metal and can be fragile. Nevertheless, they are a very effective treatment for moderate malocclusions. 

    When undergoing treatment with both metal or ceramic braces, our South Houston family dentist will regularly tighten the patient's wires to guide their teeth to the correct position. There is some initial discomfort, but it doesn't last long.

    Invisalign, on the other hand, involves no wires. Invisalign Clear Aligners are much like clear plastic retainers that are made by completing a 3D scan of the patient's mouth. With our 3D scans, we are able to make different aligner trays that will gradually shift the teeth until they are straight. 

    The Pros and Cons of Invisalign Treatment

    The undisputed pro of Invisalign is that, because the aligner trays are clear, hardly anyone actually realizes that a patient is undergoing any treatment. This is perfect for the teenager who prefers a more subtle treatment and is a little self-conscious. Another factor that makes it so appealing is that your teenager can remove the trays for mealtimes. A third pro is that, compared to braces, there are much fewer consultations needed, since the aligners are already made.

    When it comes to the downsides of Invisalign treatments, your teenager needs to be careful not to lose or misplace their clear aligners. Another downside that can be off-putting is that the ability to remove the aligners during meals means that the patient needs to be extremely disciplined, as Invisalign needs to be worn strictly for 20-22 hours a day. Patients also need to make sure that they thoroughly brush their teeth after each meal so they ensure no food particles put stress on the aligners, making it harder for the teeth to move where they need to. 

    Visit Our South Houston Braces Dentist to See if Invisalign is the Best Treatment for Your Teen

    If you think your teen may be a great candidate for Invisalign treatments, then please book an appointment with us. At this braces consultation, we will get a better understanding of what is the best treatment plan for your teen. 

  • Is It Too Late For Adults To Wear Houston Braces?

    As a South Houston family dentist that specializes in Houston braces, many of our pediatric patients’ parents ask us if it’s too late for them to wear dental braces. The truth is that it’s never too late. In fact, we highly encourage adults to wear dental braces if they have crooked teeth and/or a malocclusion, otherwise known as a “bad bite”.

    Adults May Have A Bad Bite Since Childhood

    There are different kinds of malocclusions, including overbites and underbites. If you had a malocclusion as a child, then chances are you still have a similar problem today. If you don’t fix your bad bite, this will cause a multitude of dental health issues, such as:

    • Headaches
    • Tooth decay
    • Gum disease
    • Speech impairment
    • Difficulty chewing
    • Difficulty digesting

    Getting Braces Young Is Better Than Waiting, But Adult Treatment Is Still Just As Effective

    Although we recommend getting braces as a child because children's teeth are more moldable, this doesn’t mean adult treatment is out of the question. It may take longer, but adults who undergo Houston braces treatment will also benefit from a straight, beautiful smile. Our South Houston braces dentist offers different types of dental braces:

    • Metal Houston Braces, which are the most common method of orthodontic correction and are especially efficient at correcting even the most severe case.
    • Ceramic Houston Braces, which are increasing in popularity due to their tooth-like color and impressive strength. This makes them a viable alternative to metal dental braces for patients who dont want to draw attention to their mouths while they undergo treatment.
    • Invisalign Clear Aligners, which are the most subtle method of malocclusion correction because clear aligners are nearly invisible and offer more flexibility in terms of wear.

    Get Adult Houston Braces With Our South Houston Family Dentist At Centra Dental

    If you’re an adult and are worried about your smile, don’t fret. We want you to feel confident in your beautiful smile. If you think dental braces might be an option for you, then please book an appointment with us. We will begin with the initial dental braces consultation to address your concerns and then design the best treatment plan for you. With our braces starting at $99 a month, we look forward to embracing your smile, affordably.

  • Keeping Up Your Oral Hygiene When Wearing South Houston Invisalign

    Good oral hygiene means coming to dental cleanings with us twice a year, brushing your teeth twice a day with a fluoridated toothpaste, and flossing every night. With Houston braces, though, you have to take extra special care of your teeth and be strict on yourself when it comes to your oral hygiene routine.

    Brush Your Teeth More Often

    First and foremost, it’s important to brush your teeth more often when you're undergoing Houston braces treatment. If you wear Invisalign Clear Aligners, you may be more prone to cavities if you don't brush your teeth enough because food can get stuck between your teeth and trapped in the aligners. When food is stuck between your teeth it poses as a barrier between the Invisalign trays and your natural teeth, impeding how Invisalign does its job.

    Our South Houston dentists recommend that in addition to brushing twice daily, you also brush after each meal or snack you eat. This will help ensure no food particles get stuck in between your teeth, which not only allows Invisalign to do its job but also serves as a great preventative measure against cavities.

    Our south Houston family dentists also recommend you carry a travel toothbrush and toothpaste with you so you can always have a toothbrush handy. This way you can be sure to brush as often as needed.

    Floss More Carefully

    One of the benefits of Invisalign is that it’s removable, which makes flossing a lot easier than it would be if you wore metal Houston braces or ceramic Houston braces. Be sure to carefully floss every night before bed and even between meals to ensure that your clear aligners aren’t obstructed by anything. 

    Do Thorough Oral Rinses

    There are special oral rinses that our South Houston dentist patients who wear metal or ceramic dental braces can benefit from. Our dentists recommend you use a fluoridated mouthwash before bed after you’ve finished brushing and flossing your teeth to encourage stronger, healthier teeth while you undergo Houston braces treatment. Using a fluoridated mouth rinse has been proven to protect against cavities and strengthen the enamel in our South Houston family dentist patients.

    Our South Houston Braces Dentists Can Help You Maintain Proper Hygiene While Wearing Invisalign Clear Aligners

    If you Are currently undergoing Invisalign treatment 10 please book an appointment so that we can complete a dental check-up. We will perform a thorough teeth cleaning and check that you’re maintaining adequate hygiene and health. We look forward to embracing your smile!